PALATINE, Ill. – Schneider Electric, a global specialist in energy management, recently announced at the National Electrical Contractor Association (NECA) Convention, the development of a new digital tool for electrical contractors. Available in early 2014, QuoteFAST will be a cloud-based app that allows contractors to more quickly and accurately develop a project, acquire a quote, and access product information.
Schneider Electric is developing QuoteFAST in response to demand from the industry for a streamlined, digital process for executing tasks such as developing a project, accessing product information and the bid process. Schneider Electric is taking a uniquely collaborative and agile approach to the development of the QuoteFAST tool by working closely with contractors and distributors to gather their input on challenges, needs and preferred features. Based from feedback gathered from survey and demo participations to date, features are being added to address: simplified product selection, greater sharing capabilities and bundling capabilities.
“Based on our relationships with contractors, we discovered there was an opportunity for Schneider Electric to provide a solution that addresses the disruptions and demands they face on a daily basis,” said Iram Shah, Senior Vice President, Digital Customer Experience, North America Operations, Schneider Electric. “As the role of the electrical contractor continues to evolve – with the convergence of technical and business information being delivered increasingly through mobile devices – the ability to work in real-time, with greater access to information and resources, is critical to remain competitive in an already fierce and fast-paced environment. It’s with this knowledge that Schneider Electric set out to develop a tool that empowers electrical contractors to meet these challenges and elevate their business to the next level.”
Recently, Schneider Electric conducted a nationwide survey of over 15,000 contractors to understand their needs and wants surrounding a faster digital quote process. The survey found that 71 percent of respondents would find it to be very helpful to have a tool that allows them direct access to quickly develop projects and associated Bill of Materials (BOM) for small to medium project jobs. Additionally, accurate pricing, easy access to project drawings and real-time product availability were highlighted as extremely important features.
The QuoteFAST tool increases the velocity, improves the accuracy, and provides more options throughout the quote process. Customers will have the ability to develop BOM/Drawings and obtain market pricing in a seamless digital web environment, complete tasks quickly thereby improving reaction time of the quote process. It gives contractors control with access to the information they need, in the way they want it, when they want it.
“As an industry leader dedicated to the electrical contractor, we are continuously seeking opportunities to innovate with new tools and resources that make it easier for Schneider Electric to more effectively serve and work with the contractor community,” said Aamir Paul, Senior Vice President, Retail and Partner Projects, North America Operations, Schneider Electric. “In developing QuoteFAST, instead of building it in isolation we wanted to bring in our customers, working closely with the contractors and distributors to develop a tool that was designed to meet their needs directly. We’re excited to be engaged with the community on this project and look forward to introducing QuoteFAST to the market in 2014.”
“What QuoteFAST would help with is increasing efficiency and speed. Digital is where everything is going,” Weston Short, Electrical Engineering manager, Gaylor Electric. Bob Leary, account manager, Viking Electric Supply added: “Faster. Everybody wants an answer now and when you don’t give them that answer they go to someone else. If the contractor embraces and learns how to use QuoteFast effectively, they can save themselves a lot of time.”