Large areas of vinyl flooring in daycares and schools appear to expose children to a group of compounds called phthalates, which have been linked to reproductive and developmental problems, scientists are reporting. They published their results on the ubiquitous plastic ingredients in the ACS journal Environmental Science & Technology, according to an article on the Healthcare Purchasing News website.
The report says that polyvinyl chloride (PVC), also known as vinyl, is the second most-produced plastic by volume and is commonly used in flooring. Phthalates, which increase both the flexibility and durability of PVC, are key ingredients in PVC materials used in vinyl flooring and a wide range of other products, including toys, food packaging, medical devices, and even pharmaceuticals, cosmetics and soaps, according to the Healthcare Purchasing News article
These additives leach out of products into the air and dust, according to the report, Concern over their potential health effects, particularly in infants and children, has spurred scientists to investigate human exposure to them indoors.
Read the article and find a link to the report.